Our Work


CEC Launches Green Films Centre (GFC) with showcase event

June 5, 2015. Today is WORLD ENVIRONMENT DAY. The WED theme this year is "Seven Billion Dreams. One Planet. Consume with Care." 

In keeping with the WED 2015 theme, CEC announces the launch of its Green Films Centre (GFC). The GFC will harness the powerful impact of films as a catalyst for behaviour change towards environmental issues.

And how do we aim to do this? By developing a GFC library which will stand out as a defining corpus of seminal green films, create a connect between people and their natural surroundings through these films, and stimulate proactive behaviour towards our environment.

In keeping with our aim, on World Environment Day 2015, we present our first set of three short films by Black Ticket Films. Released through the day, these three films focus sharply on three environmental issues and urge us all to "BREAK THE CHAIN" of pollution by choosing eco-friendly, sustainable lifestyles.

DID YOU KNOW: Along with the films, we will also share three sets of fast facts related to the topic being explored in the the respective film.

The SCREENING VENUE: The CEC social media pages.

TIMING: All-day long

- On facebook: https://www.facebook.com/cecinorg?ref=hl
- twitter: https://twitter.com/cecinorg 
- linkedin: https://www.linkedin.com/today/author/178200418…

Share your ideas/ suggestions with us on facebook and twitter.




Thematic Centres

  • Climate Change Communication Centre (C4)
  • Biodiversity Communication Centre (BCC)
  • Green Films Centre (GFC)
  • Water, Sanitation, and Hygiene Communication Centre (WASHCC)